Derek, Cristina and Lexie attended to a football player who sustained a cervical fracture during a game. The patient needs to be attached to a traction halo in order to realign his spine, but his harsh and critical father was making his recovery more difficult than it already is. Derek and Lexie bonded over and talked about Meredith. Cristina tried to stop their budding friendship and became extremely harsh on Lexie. But Derek tells Cristina that until she became a better resident and teacher, she will not be allowed to scrub in on his surgeries. During the surgery, Lexie she started to panic when Derek told her to perform a cauterization, but Cristina stepped in & taught and guided Lexie, that made Derek decide to let her participate in the surgery.
George, Bailey and Callie treat a woman who injured her ankle while exercising. Despite her injury, she still wants to get back to her weight loss regime as soon as possible for her boyfriend, who is appalled that the doctors wanted her to gain more weight before they operate. something which does not escape Bailey's eyes was Callie who was distracted at work . The patient's condition worsen after starting to bleed from a duodenal ulcer, coupled with her anorexia, she died on the operating table.
Callie confronted her boyfriend and Bailey has to keep her from losing control. George told her that she can't just forgive him because what he did was unforgivable. She then admitted that she does not forgive him.
Izzie felt guilty and later apologized to Callie, but she refused to let her seek forgiveness and called her a "traitorous bitch." Alex also told her that he got disappointed when she told her what happened because she told him that she was not ready for a relationship after Denny, had an affair with George so shortly after. At home, Izzie cried on her bed. Alex came in and gave her a box of tissues and told her to keep it down.
Derek decided to call off the get-away with Meredith. Meredith was about to put the blame on Lexie but Derek stopped her saying that all they talked about were the things that Meredith does not want him to say. She denied it. He told her that he wants to marry her and have children and saying those to her makes her want to flee in the opposite direction. Derek wanted a lifetime not just 48 uninterrupted hours and he is prepared to wait for her to be ready for that... or until someone better comes along.
* * *
Forgive and forget. That’s what they say. It’s good advice but it’s not very practical. When someone hurts us, we want to hurt them back. When someone wrongs us, we want to be right. Without forgiveness old scores are never settled. Old wounds never heal. And the most we can hope for is that one day we’ll be lucky enough to forget 

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